Celebrating Sing 2 Christmas Song

What Christmas Means To Me

It is Christmas time and what better way to celebrate doing one of our favorite Christmas songs “What Christmas Means to Me”

Let us know what is your favourite Christmas song

Merry Christmas!

Couples Lift and Carry CHALLENGE with my 6ft 6 225 pound boyfriend!

Jazzy and Robbie attempted the couple’s challenge called Lift and Carry! They had such a good response and so many requests to do a part 2! They have 5 different positions that they had to complete. Robbie had to lift Jazzy as one version and Jazzy had to lift Robbie as the other version. The issue is Robbie is almost double Jazzy’s weight and a whole foot taller than her. Did Jazzy almost break her back trying to pick up Robbie? I guess you will have to watch and find out!


I carried my 225 pound boyfriend for 10 mins!

So many people requested Jazzy to see if she could piggy back Robbie for 10 mins! Do you think she can carry him without failing?

Carry and Lift Challenge


We do TIK TOK Lives every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday starting at 4:30pm Sydney, Australian Time on @djjazzy33

Snapchat: @jazzyandrobbie
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Facebook: @jazzyandrobbie
Twitter: @jazzyandrobbie
Pinterest: Jazzy and Robbie

Snapchat: @djjazzy33
Instagram: @djjazzy33
Instagram: @djjazzy33extra
Tik Tok: @djjazzy33

Snapchat: @robbiethehitman
Instagram: @robbiethehitman
Tik Tok: @robbiethehitman

Want to LOSE WEIGHT & GET HEALTHY Reasons why you should START walking!

No matter what age you are, HEALTH should be the most important aspect of your life. Walking is something that anyone with two able legs can do and is a great way to keep active with little effort. Walk to school? Walk around the neighborhood… just start MOVING your body!

Jazzy and Robbie are very passionate about health and throughout their whole life, they both have struggled with their weight. In last year Jazzy and Robbie began to finally start seeing results and began to lose weight! Now that these two have found each other, they are combining their knowledge and learning new things every day regarding their diets and physical activity. This time round they are losing weight in a way they never felt was possible before. Since they have been together and bouncing off each other with all of their own tips and ideas to help one another, they thought to document the process and share with you what is working for them!

DISCLAIMER: Jazzy and Robbie are not professionals or qualified in health. This is simply their thoughts, what they have been doing, and documenting what is working for them.

This is what happened when we walked 20k steps for 2 weeks!

Jazzy and Robbie are currently on their journey of weight loss. They have found walking has been the easiest on their bodies! With a healthy diet and 20k steps per day they were managing to lose weight without any of the hard workouts or even going to a gym. When you are wanting to lose weight, starting off with your diet is the way to go! BUT! Adding in some light exercise like walking can really assist your weight loss even further.

DISCLAIMER: Jazzy and Robbie aren’t qualified or professionals and can’t guarantee this will work for everyone, as everyone is different. They just simply want to document and share with you what they are doing to reach our ultimate health goals.

Recently Jazzy and Robbie uploaded a video about all the benefits of walking and why you should start walking every day! If you haven’t seen it, make sure you check it out! https://youtu.be/rqf_hESpXAE

I bought STRANGE beauty products on WISH!

Have you ever wanted to buy something off Wish and have just stumbled across some strange and weird products? OR you may want to purchase something off wish.com and wasn’t sure if it was legit or not? Here Jazzy shops on Wish.com for all the strangest, weird beauty products I could find to have arrived for Robbie to take on the challenge to guess female beauty products!

6ft 6 guy puts his girlfriend clothes on

Jazzy and Robbie take on the challenge of swapping outfits! Around the house outfit, sporty outfit, and one dressy outfit! As Robbie is 6 foot 6 and Jazzy is 5 foot 6. The outfit swap didn’t go to plan as you see on other YouTube channels ahahahahah!


What is that smell? What is that scent? Jazzy and Robbie put their noses to the test to guess what an object is by only its scent!

Check out our WHAT’S IN MY MOUTH Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIC5QProis8

Balloon Popping Challenge

Jazzy and Robbie attempted the balloon challenge! The balloon challenge is the race to see who can pop their balloon first in unusual ways. #familyfun #gametime

Fitbit Charge 4 Reviews for NON-TECH HEADS!

Hey Legends,

I have recently just purchased a Fitbit Charge 4 and thought it would be a great idea to tell you guys my thoughts on it and also how I use it.
Comment down below if you have a Fitbit or what type of smartwatch you have!

Just over a month ago, Jazzy and I both decided to start tracking our calories and picked up walking. I have worn a Fitbit for a while but, mine is a little outdated and is a Fitbit Charge 2. When we started meal prepping the main thing that Jazzy had as an advantage was that she knew her overall calories burnt in a day. So my Fitbit is constantly tracking my heart rate which then calculates how many calories I’m burning doing exercise and even when I’m just resting. This was the main reason why I wanted a Fitbit because I’ve never really known exactly what I was burning and kind of just guessed the number of calories I should be eating to lose weight. There are calculators on the internet that you can log your details in and what you should roughly burn in a day, but it’s not completely accurate.

I bought my Fitbit Charge 4 from JB Hi-fi at a price of $249. We looked at the range of Fitbit’s they had online and chose the Charge 4.
This was mainly because of all the features the Fitbit came with, at that low price point (compared to higher-end models).
Now one of the things that I noticed when we opened it that not many people might think about is that it comes with a charging cable but no power bank. So you will have to use your phone charging power bank or buy an extra one. You can get the USB charging banks from anywhere now for a pretty decent price but that is one downfall.

Once I opened it the Fitbit was already partially charged and the steps to set up were pretty straightforward and easy for me. You plug it in straight away and while your Fitbit is powering up, you download the fit bit app on your preferred device. I use my iPhone and it took about 10 mins to fill in all the details and register an account and I didn’t really have any issues at all! One of the things that I found cool that I can’t remember if it came with mine but it came with two wristband sizes. I have a bigger wrist so I unclipped and clipped the large size and put it on.
The great thing that I love about all the Fitbit is the features! The main features I love and which adds to why I wanted a Fitbit!

  • Step Counter
  • Km Tracker
  • Calories Burned
  • Weather
  • Sleeping Tracker
  • Battery Life of 7 days

Other features; built-in GPS, phone notifications, calendar, exercises.

Something that I was already using was my Fitness Pal as my food tracking app. I actually use the Fitbit app to track my food
So obviously now that I got a Fitbit, I wanted to try out the food tracking app associated with it. One thing that Robbie noticed that I didn’t even pick on was that the inputted nutrient details for a lot of the products were wrong and the majority of the food that I was eating wasn’t in the system and for me, I’d rather stick with My Fitness Pal.

I still use the Fitbit food tracker because being a few calories off doesn’t really bother me as I just want a rough idea. Awesome features that I found that I like are the badges you achieve for reaching certain steps, milestones, km, and calories burned. Once you have reached your set goal for the day the Fitbit vibrates and gives you a little fun moving image saying you made it! Setting goals like 10k steps, 4k calories, etc really motivate me to smash out a long walk or to just stay on my diet. Robbie and I tend to use both of our Fitbits for the steps, calories, and sleep tracking. My goal is set to 10k steps per day, while I always try to hit at least 4.3k calories burned every day.

Something that you may not know is that there are actually quite a few cheap band accessories on eBay. So if you don’t want to spend a lot of money on an extra band or a particular color you want, which I recently have done! I’m pretty happy with the wrist band it has come with. Very comfortable on the wrist, no itching or irritations that I have found so far from 6 days straight wearing it. So strange because the knock off one that I just received before Robbie got he was almost identical to his band. I love the slim and sleek look it has, and it looks great on both males and females. It has the look and function of a streamlined watch without the bulk of a normal watch. I feel like this band looks fine to wear while out to be honest. With the Charge 4 model, they have increased the different watch faces to 24, but most of them are fairly similar. I use ‘stats heavy’ which shows me all my important info within a quick glance for easy convenience. Just being able to see the difference between Charge 4 and the Charge 2, I really like the newer watch faces compared to mine. ROBBIE SUMS UP HIS OPINION. What are your overall thoughts? Is it worth its price? Do you recommend it? Are you enjoying wearing a Fitbit? Comment down below if you are interested in getting a Fitbit or have one already!